How much will a student earn if he/she has completed Bachelor as well as masters in 3d animation?
Animation is the field in which you can earn very high because the demand of animators are increasing very rapidly. All the sectors either they are government or private needs animators for their work. Juniors animators could earn Rs.9,000-15,000 per month. With an experience they can earn Rs.25,000-45,000 per month. An experienced animator with an excellent animation work could easily earn Rs. 50,000-80,000. So, it is very clear that if a student completed Bachelor as well as Masters in 3D animation, he/she can earn very high. 3D Animation is the very good job, because without animation no business can run in an efficient and effective way. 3D Animation requires a successful completion of at least a bachelor degree in graphic design, computer graphics or animation. Jobs for an animators are increasing at a fast pace because the entertainment and gaming industry at in its boom. To become a successful 3D animator you must have good imagination skills, good computer programming skills, more creativity ability to work through long hours of code.

3D animator uses 3D max, Maya, Z-brush and blender to make their effects so real after completing the bachelor as well as the master degree in animation, then the student can easily work with the top advertising studios. Also the top animation institute needs good and experienced 3D animator for their institute, they work has a faculty over there. The degree in animation makes the person in great demand in any industry. 3D animator seeks their career in various fields like he/she work as an 3D Animator, 2D Animator, multimedia artist, pre-production artist, digital artist, VFX artist, post-production artist and classical animator. In India the animation sector is growing at a rapid pace. The work of 3D animator involves the modelling and rendering of an animated character and environment.