Lockdown increases the value of animation.
The importance of animation is increases day by day but in lock down people comes to know the value of animation. People are depressed in this pandemic time because they don’t go anywhere, not meet anyone and locked in the house for the safety of themselves and for their love ones. So at that time they are only have the option to watching the TV, watching mobile phones and doing their interested activities. People are so depressed and unhappy they want to change their mood or to feel happy at this worst situation.

So they switch on to the animation world. They are happy to see animated movies, cartoons and ads because animation controls their stressed and they come to know the value of animation. The craze of cartoons among the all generation are increasing very high at this time. After seeing them they left their loneliness for sometime. The animated movies or the cartoons not only bring out the inner child in everyone but also they triggered our all sonorous. They also give social messages to everyone. The grandparents, parents and the siblings sit together, watching cartoons or animated movies started laughing together and relieves their stress during this pandemic time. The various psychologist also recommended that the watching cartoons has been a great way to reduce stress and enhance your happiness. In this lock down time people needs therapy to control their emotions, depression, loneliness, sadness and anger. All these negative points can be treated by watching animated movies. The old people also likes to watch animated holy movies. The children forces their grandparents for watching Baal Ramayana, Mahabharata, Shri Krishna with them and that’s true the grandparents enjoyed very much. The animated holy programms also create an interest among the children to watch them, So it is very correct to say that in this pandemic time, animated movies and programmes brings the happiness to our life.