Type of modeling in animation
3d modeling is the process of shaping an object or a character in a 3d software to match with our design. Modeling refers to making a representation of something.

3d Modeling. Types of Modeling
Modeling are of 8 types which are mostly used.
- Box Modeling – It is a technique in 3D modeling such as a box, sphere, cylinder etc is used to make the basic shape of the model. It is easy to learn the box modeling but it is difficult to add details to models created using this technique without practice.
- Edge Modeling – It is the another type of polygonal modeling technique but it is different from box modeling. In this modelers develop the model pic by pic instead of primitive shape. Modeling edge loops place a very important role in the proper deformation of the mesh.
- NURBS Modeling – The full form of NURBS modeling is Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline. It is the mathematical model used in computer graphics for generating curves and surfaces. They can be easily handled by the computer programs and allow them for easy to human interaction.
- Procedural Modeling- It is used in computer graphics to create 3d models and textures from sets of rules, rather than editing the model with user input.
- Sub-division modeling – It is technique which is used to create clean models with scalable detail that look amazing when rendered.
- Digital Sculpting – It is also known as 3d sculpting which offers tools to push, pull, smooth, grab or manipulate a digital object as it is made up of real life substance like clay.
- Surface modeling – It is used to convert the 3d object to show procedural surfaces, validate in professions and apply smoothness.
- Image based modeling – It is the method which rely on a set of 2 dimensional images to generated a 3d dimensional model.

Article Name
Type of modeling in animation
3d modeling is the process of shaping an object or a character in a 3d software to match with our design. Modeling refers to making a representation.
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manish vohra
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