Animation Boom is the pioneer in animation and multimedia education with a global network of centres.
Animation Boom provide 100% job Placement.
11 years of experience highly professionals trained so far. These are just a few of the things Animation Boom is all about. Animation Boom,s success in the mission of supplying top-quality professionals to the booming animation and multimedia industries is well-know. Animation Boom alumni are employed with leading companies in the fields of animation, graphhic designing, web designing,animation course,advertising, gaming, audio-video editing, special effects, film making, e-learning etc.
Our mission is to fullfill the gap between the needs of the rapidly booming animation, gaming and visual special effects industry for skilled professionals who fulfil industry's needs.
To ensure the requisite skills and abilities Animation Boom students are taught on extremely high-end computer platforms that can handle the demands made on technology by animation and gaming disciplines.
--Happy Singh
--Happy Singh
--Happy Singh
We are committed for providing high- end training in animation, Multimedia, Gaming, Web Designing and Graphic Designing for creative technologies in India. Our goal is to equip students with the knowledge and skills that are required to enter and succeed in the billion-dollar market.
Our objective to venture into training and education stems from our years of industry experience coupled with extensive research and analysis of various trends which were affecting animation training quality in the country.
This also meant that students not only perform better but strive to perfect their skill and become specialists. Our specialization training curriculum has been carefully designed with a global perspective in mind and offers the latest in technology and technique.